WAFI Entrepreneurs Forum in 北京: Paving 的 Way for Sustainable Agrifood System Transformation

发表: 11月13日2023
作者: 陈静,WBCSD农业与食品部经理
类型: 洞察力

In a rapidly evolving world where 的 sustainability of our food systems is more critical than ever, 的 2023世界农业食品创新大会 (WAFI) was an important milestone in driving public-private collaboration for global food systems transformation. 这三天, 备受瞩目的国际盛事, 聚焦农业食品创新, 11月2日至4日在平谷区举行, 北京.

Led by 的 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), waf企业家论坛, 世界电影协会四个专题论坛之一, brought toge的r global leaders and entrepreneurs who committed to leading 的 agricultural and food industry towards a more sustainable future. More than 200 representatives from 的 agrifood industry attended 的 event in person, 超过700人,000人收看了现场直播.


开幕致辞及主题演讲:黛安·霍道夫, WBCSD执行副总裁, 为企业家论坛致开幕词, articulating WBCSD's commitment to collaborating with businesses to foster sustainable development and 的 transformation of 的 agricultural and food sectors. 下面这个, 西蒙的冬天, Executive Director of 的 Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable 农业, 秦方面, 牧源集团董事长, Harjan柯伊伯, 荷兰合作银行中国首席执行官, 周佳, 麦肯锡全球合伙人 & 公司, 发表主题演讲, sharing innovative solutions for a more sustainable agrifood industry.

Roundtable discussions: Two engaging roundtable discussions took place during 的 event, 探讨粮食安全, 企业领导, and 的 challenges and 机会 in traditional agrifood transformation. 12 organizations from across both 的 globe and 的 value chain participated, 包括大北农集团, 中国声母表, 先正达集团中国, SinoCarbon, 诺维信, 现代乳业集团, 星巴克, 百威啤酒, 中国农业大学, 世界资源研究所, 以及挪威雨林基金会.


WBCSD的 食品系统转型CEO指南 中文版发布了吗. The Guide will provide business leaders in 中国 with valuable insights into 的 execution of agricultural and food transformation. 它进一步寻求营造有利的政策环境, 机构的支持, and 的 creation of an inclusive and transparent agricultural and food system. 《正规博彩十大网站排名》受到了观众的热烈欢迎, signifying its importance in guiding businesses towards sustainability.

除了, 的 WAFI Entrepreneurs Forum announced a significant initiative in 中国 – 的 Center for Agrifood Sector Sustainability & 气候行动(CASCA). 这一行动, 由水务署合办, 先正达集团中国, 中国农业大学MBA教育中心, 世界资源研究所, 以及全球粮食和土地利用联盟, aims to enhance awareness of sustainable development within 的 agrifood sector. CASCA致力于促进技术创新, 碳中和, 促进行业间的合作, 学术界, 和研究. 目前, 目前已有20家公司加入CASCA, 和先正达集团中国, Dabeinong, 北大荒, 百威啤酒, and Yara have expressed 的ir willingness to serve as board members.

WBCSD的 role in amplifying 的 private sector voice across a multistakeholder agenda at WAFI

整个会议, WBCSD played a crucial role in advocating for 的 involvement of 的 private sector and amplifying 的 business community's voice in international agrifood conversations. WBCSD的 delegation met with core leaders of 的 北京 Municipal Government, 教育部, 以及农业和农村事务部, exemplifying 的 importance of private-public dialogues in transforming food systems. WBCSD的 role as organizer of 的 Entrepreneur’s Forum ensured active discussion of 的 pivotal role, 责任, 机会, and challenges of 的 private sector in 的 transformation of agricultural and food systems.

另外, 在第三次全体论坛期间, 由黛安·霍道夫主持, entrepreneurs discussed how agrifood systems can transform to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions. WBCSD emphasized 的 pivotal role of businesses in 的 transformation of agriculture and food systems, and has been working with companies in developing guidelines to support businesses with responding to 的 climate crisis, 比如 气候情景工具 并且伴随着它 场景分析与应用指南 .

会议以发布《平谷的共识" which highlighted 的 significant role entrepreneurs and 的 private sector play in advancing 的 transformation of agriculture and food systems. This consensus stressed 的 importance of collective actions from businesses to expedite 的 journey towards sustainability.

In a country where agriculture and food are of paramount importance, this conference has set 的 stage for a more sustainable and innovative future for 的 agrifood industry. Moreover, WAFI was a significant turning point for WBCSD's work on agriculture and food in 中国. We are committed to working with companies and partners using CASCA as a platform and network to localize and delve fur的r into WBCSD's global strategy.

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